
15 rue Blondel 75002

It is in the heart of the 2nd arrondissement that you can discover and try all our creations.

Our team is happy to welcome you and advise you.

The store is open with or without appointment.

Book an appointment

Phone number : +33 9 82 44 07 60

Monday : closed
Tuesday : 11h - 19h
Wednesday : 11h - 19h
Thursday : 11h - 19h
Friday : 11h - 19h
Saturday : 10h - 19h
Sunday : closed


Alterations are only done by appointment via our website or by calling our customer service so that measurements are taken in the best conditions for you and for us.

Our sales associates will take care of placing the pins and our seamstress will do the alterations in our Parisian workshop.

It takes 3 weeks from the appointment date to get your outfit altered.

Alterations will be quoted.

Book an appointment